How deal with new task
Taken from Twitter conversation:
- Don’t jump to solutions - take the time to build a deep shared understanding of the problem space, before thinking about solutions. Pause, because great solutions come from a great understanding of the context.
- Useful questions:
- What is the problem?
- Who has the problem?
- Why is it important to solve this now for the business/users?
- When do we know we are succesful?
- What are we not trying to solve or build - non-goals / out of scope
Ready-to-go templates:
Template example for new project:
[Project Title]
Description: What is it? Problem: What problem is this solving? Why: How do we know this is a real problem and worth solving? Success: How do we know if we’ve solved this problem? Audience: Who are we building for? What: Roughly, what does this look like in the product? How: What is the experiment plan? When: When does it ship and what are the milestones?